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Welcome to the  Family Physiotherapy Clinic newsletter.

In this newsletter we are exploring the difference between Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

Preserving the health and strength of bones as individuals age is an important issue that is not overlooked in the medical community. However, statistics show that osteoporosis and osteopenia are major health problems. Both conditions are characterized by low bone density, or low bone mass, but osteoporosis occurs due to the progression of osteopenia.


People with osteoporosis or those who are at risk of developing this condition due to osteopenia often benefit from physiotherapy


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The Right Backpack Makes a Difference

Backpacks afford many individuals the convenience of carrying large loads without straining the back, if they are using the right type of backpack. An ergonomic backpack can help support the back, core, and leg muscles, but choosing a backpack that's the right fit and packing it properly also reduce the risk of unexpected issues, such as shoulder pain or lower back pain.



You may not realize it, but keeping your body fit now will help you reap the benefits of good health later on in life. If you need physiotherapy assistance call Family Physiotherapy Clinic in Sanford, Oak Bluff, La Salle, Brunkild, and Starbuck today for more info.


Exploring Neck and Cervical Spine Anatomy

The cervical spine, or the neck region, is made up of many bones, ligaments, muscles, and nerves that require extra care to avoid neck problems. Understanding the structure and mechanics of the neck can help you prevent unexpected injuries or properly address them if problems arise. Knowing the anatomy of the neck can also indicate when it is time to see a physiotherapist.


Eating well supports long-term health and helps you get the most out of your day. Here are two easy recipes to add to your collection.


Firecracker Ground Chicken



This low carb recipe is loaded with 22 grams of protein and has just 185 calories. It combines ground chicken, rice or cider vinegar, ginger, garlic, red pepper, chili oil, spices, and dark brown sugar or zero-calorie Swerve brown sugar. Pair this simple dish with cauliflower rice or your favorite type of rice for a healthy, hearty meal.


Sugar-Free Low-Carb Blackberry Cobbler



To make this delicious dessert, mix fresh blackberries with almond flour, coconut oil, vanilla extract, lemon juice, and monk fruit sweetener for a pleasantly sweet taste. This low-carb, sugar-free cobbler may appear thin after you take it out of the oven, but it thickens as it cools for a delectable treat.

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Family Physiotherapy Clinic
23 Railway Ave
Sanford, MB R0G 2J0

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